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Should you Buy or Sell your home first?

Updated: May 27

One of the most common questions homeowners face is whether they should buy or sell their home first. There are pros and cons to each approach, and the right choice depends on your individual circumstances. Let's explore the factors to consider when deciding whether to buy or sell your home first.

Advantages of Buying First:

  1. More Time to Find the Perfect Home: If you buy a new home first, you'll have plenty of time to look for the perfect place. You can explore different neighborhoods, go to open houses, and really think about what you want in a new home.

  2. No Temporary Housing Hassles: Buying first means you won't have to worry about finding temporary housing while you're waiting for your new home to close. This can save you a lot of time, money, and stress.

  3. Avoid Bidding Wars: If the conditions are in favour of a buyers market, buying first can help you avoid bidding wars and secure your dream home before other buyers have a chance to make an offer.

Disadvantages of Buying First:

  1. Carrying Two Mortgages: If you buy a new home before selling your current one, you'll need to be able to afford two mortgages until your old home sells. This can be a significant financial burden.

  2. Risk of Not Selling: There's always a risk that your current home won't sell as quickly or for as much as you anticipated, leaving you stuck with two mortgages.

  3. Less Negotiating Power: If you're buying first, you may have less negotiating power when it comes to selling your current home. Buyers may be less likely to make concessions if they know you're in a hurry to sell.

Advantages of Selling First:

  1. No Double Mortgage Stress: Selling your old home before buying a new one means you won't have to worry about carrying two mortgages. You can use the money from the sale of your old home to buy your new one.

  2. Negotiating Power: Selling first can give you more negotiating power when it comes to buying your new home. Sellers may be more willing to negotiate if they know you're not in a hurry to buy.

  3. Clear Budget Picture: Selling first allows you to know exactly how much money you have to spend on your new home. This can help you avoid getting in over your head financially.

Disadvantages of Selling First:

  1. Time Crunch: Selling first means you'll need to find a new home within a certain time frame. This can be stressful, especially if you're struggling to find a home that meets your needs. If you do not find a new home before your old home closes, you will have to find temporary housing.

  2. Market Conditions: If you sell your home before buying a new one, you may be at the mercy of the current market conditions. If it's a seller's market, you are likely to be in bidding wars, which you may struggle to find a new home that meets your needs at a price you can afford.

  3. Temporary Housing Hassles: Selling first means may need to find temporary housing while you search for a new home if you do not find one before closing of your old home. This can be inconvenient and expensive.

Should you buy or sell your home first? The right choice depends on your individual circumstances, including your financial situation, market conditions, and personal preferences. If you're unsure which approach is best for you, feel free to connect with me and I will be able to provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

key handover, home key, sold, buy, sell

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